Espen has lost 3 teeth. THREE. And twice now we have failed the "tooth fairy" duty.
this of course is what she looks like as we have watched this movie about 400 times |
The first time he had the tooth box under his pillow. When he woke at 6am COMPLETELY UPSET that she forgot (yes dam it she sure did ~ what the hell) I decided to LIE and tell him it was probably just to early or that she came but could not find it under the pillow. Thankfully he lay in the bed with me and watched Netflix that early and I snuck out and made things right. So about 7am daddy was leaving and casually asked if the tooth fairy came and they went to check. WOOP WOOP... that lazy fairy had finally made it. Her bag of teeth that day must have been incredibly heavy causing her to fly slow and late. So he got the dollar and I swore I'd be better at this nonsense.
Yesterday he lost a tooth. Oh man he was thrilled and excited. It is a top front tooth that he popped out in the driveway and found. He carried that stinking tooth for about an hour and made me look at it and the gap repeatedly. Loosing a tooth is a HUGE deal to my child. He worries on the hole, on the tooth, on eating... He gets anxious and over excited. He talked about the tooth fairy coming for HOURS. And because he remembers things that I think inconsequential he recalled that lazy tooth fairy forgot him last time.... OH YES SHE DID... she would not fail this time. (It was probably her minions, the little teeth that were so negligent).
Last night he left the tooth in the box on his window sill (above the bed so it was very clear to her) and he left an extra box just in case she wanted to leave a little something extra for forgetting last time. He had a hard time falling asleep because these things over excite him. And at 6:30am he was in my bed waking me from REM sleep with a TOOTH IN MY FACE AND A SAD TEARY "mommy she forgot me again"..... (oh crap). (Guess the mules kicked me).
FAIL. fail. fail. (can you just see me suddenly awake, doing a forehead smack and quick thinking how to make it right).... And the husband walks out of the bathroom and leans over to whisper to me "great job ~ mom of the year"....
So I had to be all indignant and upset for him (apparently our tooth fairy is quite lazy). I quick on the spot made up a story about how perhaps she just doesn't get here so dang early. And derf she probably did not know which box to look in (she is also quite dumb). So he put the tooth (yes, the tooth, not the tooth in a box) next to us in the bed and lay quietly for awhile. Daddy finally convinced him to put the tooth back in the box in his room and we could see if maybe that lazy tooth fairy would still come...
And thank the lucky stars above ~ SHE DID!! Left a little dirty foot print and took the tooth and left a real paper dollar..... HOLY CRAP.... If we had tried again tonight I am quite positive I'd have forgotten twice in a row and that would not be acceptable mom behavior. Now he has two stories about how the tooth fairy forgot him... he will not forget that, it doesn't matter that he has some cash... If I keep this up, we will be paying for our forgetfulness (Ch-Ching).
maybe we need this instead of the box under the pillow so that when I pass his door I can REMEMBER!! |
So if you also have a lazy, dumb, messy tooth fairy do not despair... she apparently needs to focus on the task of being a good fairy instead of lazing about leaving messes and partaking in mixed drinks....
I have now told him that he must brush his teeth really well and use only one box and not wake up so early.... I have lots of teeth to go.... maybe I will get it right the next time.....
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