Why I Do This

I am the mom of a child who is a seeker. He seeks and craves sensations, especially the crashing ones! Sensory Processing Disorder is a part of our journey and lives. It is a daily struggle and joy. I am blessed to be at home with this wild messy loving super smart child. Sensory processing is a journey I am happy to share. Our experiences may make you laugh or cry. The only certainty is that there will be experiences and they will be plentiful! My son is going to weather many days and drag me along with him! Together we will discover what our journey is meant to be.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Little Germ Boy

Let me be very clear.... My kid is cool.  And he is relatively clean (he showers every single night before bed).

But every dam day I find my self saying things I never thought I would say.  I say them with gusto, conviction and often at the top of my lungs.  Things like "GET YOUR FOOT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH" or "stop picking your nose" or "FLUSH THE FREAKING TOILET" or "get your socks out of the living room" or "don't let the dog lick your mouth"......  I could go on, but you get the idea.
I am 100% certain that most of us have yelled at least that.
The real issue is that I actually have to keep saying it. Over and over.  How hard is it to keep your foot out of your mouth?  And can you really not remember to flush each and every time you go to the bathroom?  If you can't remember, WHY?  We have tissue, can you use one?  No, well hum....  your finger is really to big to get the job done.  Do you know you have a laundry basket and the dirty sweaty little socks should go in the basket so that they can be washed after the sweat dries and they stand up alone?  The dog eats poop.  The dog licks its own butt.  The dog has no business licking your face so push him away.  No it is not because he loves you that he is licking you....He probably smells your feet on your face because you were licking your foot....  just STOP.

The real issue is probably not that I actually say these things over and over... the issue is that your little body is a mess of nasty germs and still want me to hug and kiss you.  That is just disgusting. And yucky.

Don't get me wrong.  My child is super cool.  And I adore him.  And I still spend my fair share of time kissing on him when he tolerates it.  Imagine just how grossed out I can get if I think to long about it.  In essence I have just kissed the dogs butt when I kissed my child's cheek. In theory, I just plunged my face into the un-flushed toilet when I hugged my kid.  That nasty little sock I picked up is no cleaner than licking the bottom of my shoe.  Those fingers I insist on holding when we are crossing the street have been so far in a nose, on a foot and never washed that I might as well wallow in a pig sty while I eat my lunch.   Yea... pretty dang nasty to be a mom.

Kids are full of terrible filth.  They are built to withstand more germs than I can imagine.  They are flat out gross.  But we love them.  We tolerate those sticky little beings touching us.  We keep yelling the same things and requiring them to do the same things... flush, wash, pick, wash, etc.  They don't. One day... one day they will.  At least in my situation I hope one day he will!

So after you hug your kid... go wash.  (And for sure, after you hug mine... wash yourself)!

Monday, April 3, 2017

sick day

Today I sat on the couch and snuggled a very sick little boy.  Almost all day.  When we were not snuggled I was getting food for him.  A weird thing indeed.  On a sick day, when his body suddenly develops the ability to stay calm, we skip the medication.

The medication typically makes him not hungry or thirsty.  Getting him to eat or drink is often a task that requires the national guard.  He never feels hungry and rarely feels thirsty.  His weight is something we consistently monitor.

With a fever and feeling sick, he ate.  He ate healthy, substantial meals.  He grazed on chips and snacks.  He drank water and juice and milk.  I did not have to feed him or 'help' him use his fork.

I had a glimpse into what a typical day may be like.  It was strange to say the very least.  But the coolest part of the whole thing (not that it is cool, because my child is sick) is that he ate.  He ate and ate.  And for a parent who worries about the weight of the little man, I was tickled to see him consume so many calories!  I'd have to buy groceries more often if he ate like this every day ... what that would be like.....

And we all know one should feed a cold...