Why I Do This

I am the mom of a child who is a seeker. He seeks and craves sensations, especially the crashing ones! Sensory Processing Disorder is a part of our journey and lives. It is a daily struggle and joy. I am blessed to be at home with this wild messy loving super smart child. Sensory processing is a journey I am happy to share. Our experiences may make you laugh or cry. The only certainty is that there will be experiences and they will be plentiful! My son is going to weather many days and drag me along with him! Together we will discover what our journey is meant to be.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Explaining things to a 3 year old

I realize that many of you have children!  And have had 3 year olds!  My 3 year old has a pretty clever vocabulary.  I have always told him exactly what things are and used the proper or correct name for things.  It has become apparent that he searches out answers and I am on my vocabulary game for him! 

So within the last week I have had to discuss his birth mom and what birth means.  He was curiously watching me write a letter and send pictures.  He had a million questions about why I was sending his picture someplace.  Because we read a lot of books and some are adoption focused children's books, he is familiar with the words.  So I said I was sending the pictures to his birth mother and that she wanted to see his beautiful face!  He wanted to know about birth and what that meant.  As I was explaining it he stopped and said well you are my mom, are you mailing them to yourself?  And I cracked up! 

Espen knows the correct name for his body parts.  He frequently showers with me.  Less frequently with daddy or Anders but he has.  And he apparently has noticed a difference.  As he was taking a bath he pestered me about if mommy had a penis and where I put it.  After trying not to laugh because that hurts his feelings, I just kept telling his insistent questions that I did not have one and that girls are made differently than boys.  He was sure I was not telling the truth.  Finally I said "boys have a penis and girls are made with a vagina".  He cracked up and repeated that over and over.  When daddy got home he was greeted with "hey, did you know girls have vaginas?".  He has never mentioned it again nor repeated it. 

My 3 year old questions everything.  His thirst for information is never quenched.  He must ask thousands of questions a day.  My brain sometimes just can't keep up and I stop to think of an answer and he keeps grilling me for details.  I frequently remind him to ask me one time and let me gather my brain together.  He starts some "conversations" off with "mommy is your brain ready"?  OK GO! 

I have had to explain where eggs come from, why we don't put things in our noses or behinds, how does that work?, why is the man on the street with a sign?, are monsters real?, and a variety of other fun topics!  It is exciting and draining all at the same time! 

If you ever meet my son and he asks something bizarre... you can give him the real answer as you understand it.  He is ready for the information.  He will ignore what he is not ready for! 

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