Why I Do This

I am the mom of a child who is a seeker. He seeks and craves sensations, especially the crashing ones! Sensory Processing Disorder is a part of our journey and lives. It is a daily struggle and joy. I am blessed to be at home with this wild messy loving super smart child. Sensory processing is a journey I am happy to share. Our experiences may make you laugh or cry. The only certainty is that there will be experiences and they will be plentiful! My son is going to weather many days and drag me along with him! Together we will discover what our journey is meant to be.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day 2019

Happy Mother's Day.  To all the women taking care of a child or children.  In any capacity.  i SEE YOU.

I am so blessed and thankful this day every year.  Espen is adopted and on this day I always want to celebrate the brave woman who gave birth to him, loved him and entrusted me to be his forever parent.  For without her courage and generous trust, I would not be the mom to this incredible little boy. 

I am also super blessed to celebrate my own mom today.  She stayed home and was there for absolutely everything my sisters and I did.  Her gifts are plenty and her sacrifices for our needs did not go unnoticed.  She taught me to be the mom I am.  She supports my sisters and I still and loves our kids in hundreds of ways. 

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, eyeglasses, closeup and outdoorRaising my beautiful son has taught me love and patience beyond what I thought I was capable.  He has taught me to laugh at the silly and accept some mess I did not know was going to be made.  Our journey has been full of weird and wonky and I would not trade a moment of it.  My heart is full of love for this one little boy. 

Being a mom has also brought me relationships with other women who have shared and taught and supported.  Being a mom teaches you so much about life.  Being mom is not about how many kids you have, how much money you spend on them, how many activities you can post on you social accounts.  Being a mom is caring for the little things, tending to a wound or hurt feeling, drying a tear and laughing at a joke that does not make sense.  Being a mom is sitting through one more rainy game, cleaning one more stained uniform, wiping up one more spill, finding one more dirty sock, one more late night leaning spelling words, one more book, one more thing before you can relax.  Being a mom is also learning to have grace and forgiveness with yourself when things go wrong.  It is asking for help when you are at your lowest.  It is saying you are sorry and showing your child even adults make mistakes and apologize.  Being mom is full time all the time no matter what the time.

Motherhood is a tribe of people.  All doing the best we can to raise amazing children.  All sacrificing and supporting so that these little people have the best we can offer. 

So Happy Mother's Day to the mom's in my tribe and to the moms everywhere who are doing the best they can... keep on... you do not go unrecognized.